Monday, May 14, 2012

Honors Physics Final - Spring 2012 - Mr. Dahlstrom

PHYSICS FINAL REVIEW                                   Borrowed from Spring 2012, Mrs. Ward

Due on day of final.  Please complete problems on a separate sheet of paper. 

Chapter 10, Energy, Work and Simple Machines
1. work done by forces along the direction of motion, opposite to the direction of motion, and at an angle to the direction of motion
2.  Relationship between work and energy
3.  Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem
            - what does it say?
            - must know NET work and CHANGE in kinetic energy to use this
4.  Power and energy transfer

Chapter 11, Energy and Its Conservation
1.  Forms of mechanical energy (kinetic, types of potential, etc.)
2.  Conservation of mechanical energy and problems
            -When does this apply?

Chapter 9, Momentum and Its Conservation
1. Impulse-momentum theorem
            - what is impulse?
            - what is momentum?
            - applications and problems
2.  Conservation of Momentum
            - for closed, isolated systems
            - problems in one dimension

Chapters 20 and 21, Electrostatics
1.  Methods of electrically charging objects
            - Contact, Induction, polarization
            - What kind of charge do you get?
2.  Electric insulators and conductors
3.  Coulomb’s Law
4.  Electric fields
            - what they are
- how to calculate them (both equations and when to use them)
- drawing field lines
5.  Characteristics of a conductor in electrostatic equilibrium
6.  Electric Potential and Potential difference
            - what does it do?

Chapters 22 and 23, Circuits
1.  Current
2.  Resistance and Ohm’s Law
3.  Electric Power  (all 3 equations and when to use them)
4.  Series Circuits (all properties)
5.  Parallel Circuits (all properties)

Chapters 24 and 25, Magnetism
1.  Source of magnetism
2.  Magnetic fields
            -  what they are and what affects their strength
            -  what they look like around bar magnets and wires
            -  right-hand rule for direction around wires
3.  Magnetic forces
            -  what affects their strength on charged particles and current carrying wires
            -  right-hand rule for direction on charged particles and current carrying wires

Simple Harmonic Motion (Sec 14.1)
1.  Characteristics of this motion:  velocity, acceleration, forces, period
            -  The Pendulum, Mass on a Spring
            - What affects the period for each one
Chapter 14, Vibrations and Waves
1.  Types of waves
2.  Measures of a wave - frequency, wavelength, velocity
            - what determines the velocity of a wave?
3.  What happens at the boundaries between media?
4.  The principle of superposition and interference
5.  Doppler Effect

Chapters 16 and 17, Light and Reflection
1.  What type of wave is light?
2.  Wavelengths for visible light - what is red and what is violet?
3.  The speed of light in a vacuum
4.  Reflection
            - diffuse vs. specular reflection
5.  Flat, convex, and concave mirrors and the images they form
6.  Real vs. virtual images
7.  The mirror equation and magnification (don't forget the sign rules!)

Chapter 18, Refraction
1.  Refraction
            - the index of refraction
            - Snell's Law
            - Total internal reflection and the critical angle
2.  Convex and concave lenses and the images they form
3.  The lens equation and magnification (don't forget the sign rules!)

Final Review Problems

1.       A child on a sled starts from rest at the top of one hill, coasts down the hill, and then up a second hill.  If the mass of the child and the sled is 65 kg, the height of the first hill is 15 m and the height of the second hill is 4.0 m, what is the velocity of the child and the sled at the top of the second hill?  Assume there is no friction, and use conservation of mechanical energy.

2.       A 12.0 kg shopping cart is pushed from rest by a 280.0 N force.  A 75.0 N friction force opposes the motion. After the cart has traveled 11.5 m, what is the cart's final speed? Use the Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem.

3.       A 0.20 kg baseball is pitched with a velocity of 42 m/s and is then batted to the pitcher with a velocity of 63 m/s.  If the ball was in         contact with the bat for 0.15 s, what force did the bat exert on the ball?

4.       A snowball with a mass of 85 g hits a snowman's top hat and sticks to it.  The hat and snowball, with combined mass of 220 g, fly off together at 8.0 m/s.  How fast was the snowball moving at the moment of impact?

5.       Consider a thundercloud that has an electric charge of 40.0 C near the top of the cloud and -40.0 C near the bottom of the cloud.  These charges are separated by 2.0 km.  What is the electric force between these two sets of charges? 

6.       An electric field of 3.2x104 N/C is directed along the positive x-axis.  What is the electric force on an electron in this field?  (include both size and direction.)

7.       A point charge has a charge of +2.0 µC.  What is the electric field 10.0 cm away from the charge?  (include both size and direction)

8.       Two resistors of 4.0 Ω and 12 Ω are connected in series across a 9.0 V battery.
          a)  What is the equivalent resistance of the circuit?
          b)  What is the current through each resistor?
          c)  What is the voltage drop across each resistor?

9.       Two resistors of 15.0 Ω and 35.0 Ω are connected in parallel across a 45.0 V voltage source. 
          a)  What is the equivalent resistance of the circuit?
          b)  What is the total current in the circuit?
          c)  What is the current through each resistor?

10.     A mass on a spring vibrates in simple harmonic motion.  If the period of the vibrations is 0.75s and the spring constant is 130 N/m, what is the mass of the object?

11.     What is the period of a pendulum that is 45 cm long if the pendulum is on Earth (g = 9.80 m/s2)?
12.     A tuning fork produces a sound with a frequency of 256 Hz and a wavelength in air of 1.35 m.
          a)       What value does this give for the speed of sound in air?
b)      What would be the wavelength of the wave produced by this tuning fork in water in which the sound travels at 1500 m/s?

13.     A thimble 2.1 cm high is placed in front of a concave mirror.  A real image of the thimble is formed 17.0 cm in front of the mirror.  The radius of curvature of the mirror is 20.0 cm.
          a)       How far is the object from the mirror? 
b)      What is the magnification of the mirror? 

14.     A candle that is 10.0 cm high is placed 30.0 cm in front of a diverging lens.  The lens has a 20.0 cm focal length. 
a)       Where does the image appear to be located?
b)      What is the magnification of the image?

15.     Diamond has an index of refraction of 2.419.  If it is immersed in water, which has an index of refraction of 1.333, and light rays in the water shine on the diamond at an angle of incidence of 22.0°, what is the angle of refraction inside the diamond?


1.       vf = 15 m/s

2.       vf = 19.8 m/s

3.       F = -1.4x102 N

4.       v1i = 21 m/s

5.       3.6x106 N, attractive                                                                                  
6.       5.1x10-15 N, along the negative x-axis                          
7.       1.8x106 N/C, away from the charge
8.       a)  16 W                                  
          b)  0.56 A                               
          c)  2.2 V, 6.7 V                                

9.       a)  10.5 W                               
          b)  4.3 A
          c)  3.0 A, 1.3 A   

10.     1.9 kg

11.     1.3 s

12.     a)  346 m/s
          b)  5.86 m                                                                                        
13.     a) 24.3 cm                              
          b) –0.700                                                             
14.     a)  -12.0 cm
          b)  0.400

15.     11.9°

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